Sunday, May 27, 2007

Reflections and Hopes:

Today was a day of relaxation and reflection. Elizabeth and I went to church this morning and then out for brunch. I spent the afternoon with my older son Jonathan. Elizabeth and I went to the CWL supper and then we had friends over to visit this evening. I have received emails, phone calls and personal expressions of best wishes and support and do appreciate them all very much. I have worked very hard to get the party platform out to the residents of District #22 and have been humbled by their kindness and welcoming gestures. I hope that everyone in District #22, indeed all Islanders, exercise their right to vote tomorrow. No matter what the outcome personally I will never regret my decision to put my name forth as the Liberal candidate for Summerside-St. Eleanors.

Saturday, May 26

Today some of my supporters blitzed District #22. We wanted the voters to receive the education information as well as a personal letter to the residents from myself. Elizabeth and I attended the funeral of one of my former school principals and a great lady this morning; such an event certainly puts things in one’s own life in perspective. At noon we had a pizza and cake get together at the Headquarters. I continued with door-to-door canvassing in the Sheen Street area as well as in my home poll. Elizabeth, Jonathan and I had seafood for supper at Sharkey’s Restaurant on the Summerside Waterfront – beautiful sunny weather and a great setting! I finished my official campaigning in the Hawthorne Poll area in the evening. Bedtime came early; no problems sleeping for me.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Red Power:

Today started with a 7:15 a.m. haircut followed by another breakfast at the Headquarters. I traveled in the Northumberland, Notre Dame, Rufus, St. Lawrence, Sheen and Park Street areas. The weather was unbelievable and the reception at the door was very warm as well. People are convinced that a change is coming and are looking forward to a new era in Island history. This evening we attended the final rally in Charlottetown. The energy was contagious and the crowd was pumped. Three more sleeps until E-Day!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Strength in Numbers:

Today started with a 7 a.m. meeting followed by a light breakfast at the Headquarters with supporters. Then it was off to do door to door in the Burkeshire and Jennifer Street areas. This evening I was in the Market and North Market Street section of the district. Each day I have more phone calls to return and concerns to follow up. More people are dropping in at Headquarters to chat and wish us good luck. One person was quite adamant about the commitment I displayed by taking on this challenge. However I could not do this job without the help of so many other people who, in their own way, are also very passionate about making the lives of their fellow Islanders better.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


After a bit of morning visiting, I headed to Kensington for the Liberal news conference on accountability where Robert Ghiz once again demonstrated his leadership abilities. A new era will dawn in Prince Edward Island government after May 28.

I campaigned on Central, Spring, and Pleasant Streets later in the day. Residents are requesting lawn signs for their properties and I am receiving phone calls daily from people giving me their endorsement. All this support is both humbling and gratifying but it is not over until all the votes are counted.

Listened to Angela Walker’s profile of Districts 21 and 22 on CBC radio. The scenarios are really interesting when you are able to recognize some of the voices. Tomorrow Robert will be campaigning in these two districts traveling with Janice and myself.

Schools of Thought:

Tuesday, May 22

I attended the breakfast meeting of the Rotary Club of Summerside. This is one part of my daily routine I have kept. There are many good things done by our club, both in our community and globally, and I am proud to be a part of these efforts.

In the morning I campaigned in the Granville, Coronation and Schurman Ave. areas. At noon I attended a meeting at PC Hospital with staff and the other local Liberal candidates. The afternoon was spent in the St. Eleanors area – Julia’s Court, Burkshire Ave. and Rebecca. I had my first near miss by a canine – small but feisty.

We traveled to Charlottetown to hear the education debate at the Delta. Once you have been involved with education, you never lose the passion for helping people learn. There are challenges to be met, but our team has several members with a lot of experience in this field and I am confident we can work to make our public system even better.

Monday, June 21

Even though it was a holiday for many people, like the other Liberal candidates, I was on the campaign beat. I traveled all over the district. I receive email questions daily and respond in as timely a manner as possible. Young people ask questions that are “right on the mark” and, if I don’t have an answer, I research further. Lifelong learning at its best!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Teamwork Works:

Today started off with a reading of the “good news” polls in the Guardian. It appears as if Islanders have heard our message and are ready to entrust us to govern this great province. When speaking with a former MLA, they reiterated what is positive in our approach – unlike the Conservatives who are championing their leader, we are taking a path similar to previous successful governing parties where the focus is on the team. Our team is balanced and this is seen as one of our strengths. This person acknowledged the growth in Robert, which was clearly evident to them as they watched the debate.

While the rain poured, the temperature was pleasant and I hear voting was brisk at the advance poll in District #22. I returned calls, visited homes, and am off to mass at Saint Paul’s Church. Tomorrow will truly be a day of rest and a time to spend with my family – no Sunday shopping for me.

Youth and Elders:

Thursday, May 17

We attended our son Jonathan’s graduation from UNB law school today. Like any parents, we are very proud of him and excited that he is coming to do his articling year at a local law firm – an example of a graduate who will benefit from the Liberal tax credit and contribute to the Island economy. Elizabeth and I arrived back home at 5:50 pm and I set out on the COLD campaign trail. I covered Green, Granville, Summer and Central Streets. Change is in the air; change is everywhere.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Today I visited the seniors’ apartments on Linden and Lefurgey Avenues. Our elders have so many stories that need to be told and we can learn so much from their experiences. This wisdom, coupled with the idealism of our youth, is an awesome force. Unlike my fellow candidate, Cynthia Dunsford, I have not been bitten by any dogs but I have been on the receiving end of a few razor-sharp tongues. One can also learn by listening to them and I respect any one who has the commitment to stand up for their beliefs. I also canvassed on Water Street and at Wedgewood Manor. In the evening we attended the rally at Westisle School and the place was rocking – the numbers and the energy increases as each week passes. I am anticipating a corresponding rise in the polls.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The message is repeated:

Spent all day canvassing in the district - Andrews Lodge, Parkhill Seniors Residence, Notre Dame Place, and Lefurgey Avenue. In St. Eleanors I was on Weeks and East Drive and the All Weather Highway. This evening I canvassed in home poll.

I did a telephone interview with Nancy MacPhee for a Journal Pioneer profile of District #22 candidates. The same issues are emerging again and again - health care, healthy communities, and senior concerns.

Thursday our son Jonathan is graduating from UNB Law School so our family is together tonight and we'll all be attending the ceremony. Tomorow morning will be spent canvassing on Linden Avenue and I'll return to door to door work on Thursday evening.

Liberals and Lifelong learning:

May 14, 2007

I visited residents on Water Street today as well as apartment dwellers in the First Street and surrounding areas. I attended the press conference this morning where the Liberal platform on post-secondary education was released.

As an former educator myself and a father of two post-secondary education students, I know it’s important to provide government support for lifelong learning. That’s why I’m particularly proud of the Liberal post-secondary education platform released today. With your support a Liberal government will introduce the Skills at Home tax rebate, providing $2000 a year in tax relief for up to five years for post-secondary graduates who live and work on PEI. Starting in 2007, first year Island students entering UPEI will be provided with a $2000 Entrance Grant with a comparable program to be available to Island students entering Holland College. A Liberal government will work with both Holland College and UPEI to encourage the regional delivery of courses through satellite and/or distance learning options.

As I said at the opening of our District #22 Headquarters, our youth need to know that they will have a future here in Summerside-St.Eleanors and on PEI. The people of Summerside-St-Eleanors, indeed all Islanders, have a choice - our graduates working here? Or somewhere else?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

It's Great to be a Liberal!

This morning I went to two senior apartment buildings. Had a number of visits with elderly people who are lonely and welcomed a listening ear. I heard often how disillusioned they are with Premier Binns. They believe that it is time to give Robert Ghiz an opportunity to demonstrate his leadership skills. Spent the rest of the day on Poplar, Willow and Hawthorne Avenues. A Happy Mother's Day to my lovely typist Elizabeth and all Island mothers.

Friday, May 11
It was a great day to be a Liberal! It started out with postive door to door campaigning on Jennifer Street, and Hunter, Currie, and Chestnut Avenues. Once again, people were talking about their tax assessments. I was proud to be able to reiterate the Liberal Tax Fairness Policy which offers them "meaningful tax relief." In the evening it was off to the big rally in Montague where we were enthiastically greeted by a crowd which spilled out into the street. The mood is very optimistic as everyone can sense the mounting momentum as the Liberal Team heads to victory.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Challenges abound:

Today was busy - worked along Brophy, Avon, St. Lawrence and North Market Streets and Wood Avenue and finished off on Weeks Drive.

I met people challenged by their physical disabilities and concerned over their inability to find meaningful work, even though they are willing and able to do a job. They want the satisfaction of contributing in the workplace. I spoke to a firefighter who is concerned over the provincial government's refusal to provide special insurance for protection against certain cancers associated with fire fighting.

Still hearing talk of the urgent need for change, indignation over promises made now - if dollars were there before why wasn't the government using them to help Islanders? and disdain at the arrogance of the Binns' government.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Island families need support:

I was tired and cold when I arrived home late last night so am combining the two entries. Yesterday, May 8, I traveled in the downtown area, Brophy Avenue and on Central Street. People are asking why a new school will be built in Startford when there is space in other schools and we need resources for the schools we already have. Another question is where does that put the new gym and renovations for Elm Street School on the priority list?

Today I was in St. Eleanors and on Elm and Tower Streets. The tax assessments are out and people's bills are up again. People are asking "Where will this end?" Those on assistance and/or disability supports are penalized if they take the initiative to make a few extra dollars when all they are trying to do is what any parent wants to do - give their children money to go to a movie, get them new summer footwear or provide them with money to go to the school cafeteria as a special treat. Families are our greatest assest and a Liberal government will stand behind them.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Changes in the Climate:

The weather has changed – it’s getting warmer and people are out in shirtsleeves. Worked my way on Notre Dame Street from Granville Street to Greenwood Drive, Highland Avenue and Jennifer Street and Norman Drive. The momentum is building, people are excited about the change and are looking forward to better representation with the city painted red.

This evening we had a few dozen people at the official opening of he District # 22 office. I spoke to them about my week and left them with these thoughts. "Our youth need to know that they will have a future here in S'Side-St.Eleanors and on PEI. The people of S'Side-St-Eleanors, indeed all Islanders, have a choice - our graduates working here? Or somewhere else? Seniors and people facing daily challenges in their lives, need to know that their government will help them to live a life of dignity. The people of Summerside-St.Eleanors, indeed all Islanders, have a choice – a government hungry for power? Or a government committed to empowering Islanders? We need to take care of our environment - our air, land and water. The people of Summerside-St-Eleanors, indeed all Islanders have a choice – clean water for the future? Or more dirty laundry?"

My last meeting of the evening was the information session about public transit for the Island. Lots of food for thought and, if we are to truly be a green province, we need to support and provide public transit for our citizens.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Health Care is a big concern:

Began the day by having breakfast with Premier Binns. Elizabeth and I had joined our friends at a fundraiser breakfast for a Relay for Life team at Sobey’s and Mr. Binns arrived there also. He has been spending a lot of time in the Summerside area this first week of the campaign.

The people in this area have many issues regarding the economy and health care. Sunday shopping and the lack of good paying jobs are two concerns. One question asked was “Is Summerside going to turn into a retirement community where all we’ll need are service industries; therefore the younger people will have no choice but to work for minimum wages if they stay here?”

People are very worried at the prospect of Dr. Hoare leaving the province. Other health issues are: not enough doctors, long waits at clinics when you only need a refill for a prescription written, and then longer waits at emergency as the clinics only take 30 patients. Since the writ was dropped I have spoken at length with two local doctors and they both expressed the view that a residency program will help secure doctors. I can’t understand why their professional opinions, as well as that of others, are not accepted as valid. I look forward to the announcement of the Liberal Party’s health policy.

Change is Needed:

Last night we had a great rally at the Summerside Wellness Center - huge crowd, enthusiastic young people, and rousing speeches. It appears as if the red tide is coming in. I spent the day meeting residents of District #22. Seniors are concerned about the costs of continuing to live in their own homes while paying for the drugs they also need and people with disabilities need support.

The official opening of the District #22 (Summerside-St. Eleanors) Liberal Headquarters will take place on Monday, May 7 from 6-8 pm at 377 First Street - corner of Water and First Streets, across from the Shipyard Market. Come on out everyone, give us your ideas and show your support for postive change on PEI.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Starting out :

Thursday, May 3 - Busy day with lots of discussion about the need for change with people in District #22. Many people are concerned about supports for seniors, the cost of post-secondary education and the need for programs to ease the debt loads for students. When people choose to die at home there should not be and must not be financial burdens associated with this decision.

Tuesday, May 1st. - This afternoon I toured District 22 with our party leader, Robert Ghiz. We visited Elm Street School where Robert promised to give 100% support for the necessary renovations. We received a warm welcome everywhere we went and I saw first hand Robert, the leader. He was relaxed and very personable with people of all ages. We had people track us down when we were doing door-to-door on North Market ....they heard we were in the area and had concerns they wanted to share with Robert. A great afternoon of meeting District #22 residents.